all i have ever done with swarm boxes is to tie it to a tree as high as i can put four drops of leanon grass oil in it and leave it alone. i know this sounds realy strange but i must spend hours laughing at you lot and the way every one seems to be out looking for swarms or building hives for them and praying for the swarm god to look apon you faverable,
A swarm is someones else off cast/ c*** up, i have always collected swarms if i have wanted them for others but i have never kept one for myself. my hives will be populated by my bees with my queens either breed by me or brought in for me. do not put your faith in them, if you are desparate for bees just ask i can bring down a five frame nuc at the weekend, but please stop pinning your hopes on smoke, as for what to learn with there is a gentle man i know how produces a 5 frame nuc for £80 these bees are a sort of english dark bee, they are slow to build up and slow to collect but are fantastic to learn with, they will produce a single super in a year as well as all there own winter stores no feeding needed, max population durring the year 20,000 max. thats almost half of what everyone else is dealing with so alot easier to work with, she wont swarm for two years and will then replace her self quitely, there will next to no verroa and no deiseses to worry about so sorry to upset every one but i have always seen the point of paying a good wad for good bees, go to easy bee and pay 150 quid it will be the best money you have ever spent all you will need is a set of boxs and a feeder, my rant was not personaly sent to peteinwilts but to all novices
swarms are c**k ups not a starting point