super question

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May 29, 2018
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East Sussex
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the buckfast colony which ive just added a bb below, i also added a super of foundation to plus a qe

i have drawn super frames from my other colony (last year). Should i give the buckfast (new) colony these to help speed up any honey crop or stick to keeping the drawn supers for my other colony (from whihch the supers came last year)?
Always use drawn supers if you have them and want honey. The drawn wax is valuable as it costs lots of honey to make it.
No problem at all.drones go between hives.i wouldn't use someone else's from a different apiary but your own should be no problem unless you know they are desease!!!!
Sorry for jumping in on the thread...
If you not have drawn out super comb how's the best watmy to get the bees to draw it ? Would you have to wait for honey until the following year?
I have about 12 drawn out super frames and will need to put onto 2 hives in the next week, should I split them over both and fill in the outside ones with foundation or alternate them or just give all to 1 colony?
If you have both drawn comb and frames of foundation to super your hives with, put half and half into each super - alternating every other frame of drawn with foundation - this way, you can also crack on and go straight for ten frames in each box rather than eleven - the drawn frames will stop the bees getting too artistic drawing comb in the empty space.
If you have both drawn comb and frames of foundation to super your hives with, put half and half into each super - alternating every other frame of drawn with foundation - this way, you can also crack on and go straight for ten frames in each box rather than eleven - the drawn frames will stop the bees getting too artistic drawing comb in the empty space.

i have 3.5 of drawn supers and 2 colonies, both put onto double brood boxes recently

trying to blend best advice from you and Enrico

best to alternate (as hoping to get more drawn super frames) or just go straight in with drawn supers until full (hopefully) and then use undrawn?
Alternate as best you can. When numbers are not equal, just make sure the outer frames are comb as they will draw central frames quicker.
I hope they behave for you because every colony with alternate frames as described that I've seen this year, have drawn the comb right out to the face of the foundation sheet next to it.
i have 3.5 of drawn supers and 2 colonies, both put onto double brood boxes recently

trying to blend best advice from you and Enrico

best to alternate (as hoping to get more drawn super frames) or just go straight in with drawn supers until full (hopefully) and then use undrawn?

Alternate straight off - rather than hope they will be in the mood to draw a whole box of foundation at the end of a flow. It gives them room to store while they draw the foundation, it won't take them long if they are on during a good flow.
Also, lightly spraying the frames of drawn and undrawn wax with some sugar syrup can help draw the bees up if they are a little reluctant... but as JBM said, if there's a flow on and the bees available they will draw out a super pretty quick and then you'l have it for next year.
On a similar topic, have one hive that has 7-8 full frames of bees 2 drawn comb and 2 foundation in the bb. I popped in today and swapped the outer foundation frames inward so that they draw out. The big question is to super or not?

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YES. Don't even think about it...bees need parking space if nothing else.

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