Super Frames fused together Advice please.

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fisherman 451

New Bee
May 11, 2014
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Just at the end of my first year keeping bees and everything had been going fine. My first colony came through the winter well with no major issues. The hive has now got 2 supers on, one is almost filled and the other about one third full. Doing my inspection yesterday I noticed that the full box was pretty much fully capped. The problem is that a couple of the frames have comb between them making it impossible to separate them without damaging the comb and spilling the honey into the hive. My question is would it be safe to extract those frames once the outer faces are capped? The frames are on castellated runners so I don't really understand why the girls filled the space completely
You shouldn't need to manipulate them at the hive. Just leave them stuck together until you are ready to extract them.
Thanks for the replies, was just a little concerned about the water content of the fused sides of the comb
Leave them on until you are going to extract, extract the good one first leave frames out, then put some plastic on the floor then the empty super then the full super with problem coomb, next get a long carving knife and slice between frames as you would do if you were uncapping, do that until you get to manageable frames, chuck the excess coomb into your capping bucket, good luck

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