Sugar Tax

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........and maybe help reduce the number of them windmills that keep sprouting up all over the place:D

Oh dear ... getting perilously close to the point where some sensitive souls on here are going to start reaching for the ban button .... but there again ... bit pointless banning yourself Pete ?

Just don't start mentioning anything that says anything about 'compulsory' or 'Switzerland' or you are in deep trouble !!
And after they turn their toes - compulsory cremation - keep a couple of coal fired power stations open, slightly modified (put a cross over the entrance) and their remaining lard could light the nation!!

Oh no ... that word - COMPULSORY - and CREMATION in the same sentence - there will be giant leaps made ....Tin helmets on, offence siren sounded. Next thing, someone will be mentioning Disability Living Allowance ....
The quite elderly couple must have been ex Maggie's malingerers ! The DLA continues into old age, including free cars .
It's the pensioners having worked 50 years who are the new poor!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Oh no ...too late, damage done ... I'm off before I get banned !! (again .... !)
I've just had horrific thought. After Europe thought that pollen was an additive to honey (I know that has been reversed now), perhaps they will think of honey as sugar and tax it!!!
I've just had horrific thought. After Europe thought that pollen was an additive to honey (I know that has been reversed now), perhaps they will think of honey as sugar and tax it!!!
Honey is a high sugar food, but it depends on how (if) they were to tax sugar content.

Simplest would be a punitive VAT rate for high sugar content categories. If we were running it, that might be on soft drinks, confectionary or other categories with added sugar. Or it could be just based on sugar percentage and include white sugar and honey. That would be bad for buying in raw sugar as bee food, but direct sales by small non-VAT-registered beekeepers would have less price competition from supermarkets.

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