Sugar Tax

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Queen Bee
Oct 17, 2009
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swansea south wales
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It looks like we could be taxed for our sugary drinks, no mention of beer yet but when is it going to stop!!! we could end up being taxed on a bag of sugar.
I often wonder whats the worst of the two evils, sugar or sweeteners, my guess is sweeteners.
[ame=""]Aspartame: The Bitter Truth Behind This Toxic Sweetener - YouTube[/ame]
I... we could end up being taxed on a bag of sugar.

When I heard about this suggestion, the first thought that struck me was that they ought to make an exemption for beekeepers.
And the second thought was that of course that could only be for registered colonies, and only the registered beek would be able to claim.

But it ain't going to happen, so don't worry.

I'm not sure that an individual country COULD impose a tax on such a commodity without being slapped down by Europe. Disadvantaging sugar-producing countries, and giving a boost to those that manufacture artificial sweeteners - that is bound to fall foul of the EU Commission's "Competition" zealots! But its all part and parcel of the basic "single market" - not grandiose Euro-state schemes.

So relax, your "full fat" Cola isn't going to have to cost more than than the "Zero Cal" version.
Tax on a bag of sugar is daft, not going to happen. However, I'd support a tax on high sugar soft drinks. These drinks are a major public health issue.

Coca cola has been around a long time, are people being forced to drink it.

obviously not, but a tax might make them think more about what they are actually drinking!
obviously not, but a tax might make them think more about what they are actually drinking!

Seems that obesity is on the rise as well, lot more fat people around, maybe a good idea to start putting high taxes on food & drink, in the hope it will prevent them from eating/drinking so much.
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Publicity like this will make some people think about what they are drinking and reduce but the people who really need to take notice won't.
And the second thought was that of course that could only be for registered colonies, and only the registered beek would be able to claim .

Not necessarily so!
Green dyed sugar was issued to Beekeepers during WW2.
There were cases of green honey reported that was gathered from supers the year after Autumn feeding , illustrating the bees trait of moving stores around especially when needing room for the Queen to lay.

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IIRC there is a import tax of 35p per kg. on cane sugar at present to ensure that the beet sugar produced in the EU is not undercut on price. So we are being ripped off on sugar now.
we could end up being taxed on a bag of sugar.

Tax on a bag of sugar is daft, not going to happen.

And why not? it used to be - in the early18th century it was one of the most 'smuggled' commodities. some of the most popular methods of large quantity smuggling was devised in the Severn channel - 'coopering' Bristol was the first port of call for sugar and it was warehoused 'under bond' (recorded by the excise, but not taxed until removed from the warehouse) some of it was then shipped to London still 'under bond' on leaving the port, the crew would meet up with smaller craft sailing from Porthcawl,Barry, Penarth and Cardiff and would sneak barrels of this 'duty free' sugar over the side to be shipped around the country at great profit. we still use the term today for (the many instances) cargo ships and large vessels who transport commercial quantities to near the 12 mile limit and pass it over to smaller 'day craft' like fishermen and yachtsmen who of course haven't had time to go abroad and thus slip under the radar.
And as for 'not going to happen'. the simplest way would be to increase the VAT from the current 0% to a higher level (I think it can be as high as 40%) which the EC will allow as they have already decreed we have a right to do so.

However, I'd support a tax on high sugar soft drinks. These drinks are a major public health issue.

Keillers Marmalade was made in Scotland and not in England because of the sugar tax.
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Seems that obesity is on the rise as well, lot more fat people around, maybe a good idea to start putting high taxes on food & drink, in the hope it will prevent them from eating/drinking so much.

tbh, taxing, high sugar/salt/processed food isn't that bad an idea!
Although education would be better but you can't educate some people
Although education would be better but you can't educate some people

What about this for an idea, compulsory registration of all obese people, encourage them to drink more of these sugary drinks, and eat as much junk food as possible, but then they get called up once a month to have the fat sucked out of them, to be turned into bio diesel, thus helping with the worlds fuel supply... this may encourage some to cut out the sugary drinks and junk food, or just eating for the sake of it. Employ a few obese people and get help with the fuel costs of running a truck etc.

There is a huge resource here, a walking oil field.
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Teaching people how to cook might be a better idea.
Instead of giving away tins and packets of food at the free food banks they should give them the ingredients to cook a meal.
They can't afford the fuel for cooking!

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They can't afford the fuel for cooking!

not after topping up the phone card/s.

I was watching prog about couple and the wife said that the only money they got was from husbands state pension......£116 per week.......utter rubbish.

A quite elderly couple in the post office yesterday collected over £900..
When people say they cant afford the heating what they really mean is that they think they wont be able to afford it and dont turn it on.

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