sugar syrup after winter

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Field Bee
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Near Andover, UK
Hive Type
Number of Hives
From 5 to 2 and hopefully a better year
I visited the girls yesterday and found a lot of them - hurrah. I had expected to find the ssyrup supers and bb light but all were really heavy. The girls had been in them but there were still lots of semicapped frames. Some of the open cells had what looked like crystallised ssyrup. Is that normal?

Also i removed the omf before winter on the advice of the inspector but saw yesteday what looked like black spots of mold on the floor (which is now the top of the wbc stand). Is that normal?

Finally I had scraped the qe clean that I had removed before xmas and put it in place and left the girls to settle. This morning I discovered 20 or so girls all over the remains of the wax I scraped off the qe yesterday, some 200 yds from the hive...Is that normal?

All the best,
crystallised ssyrup

Probably crystallised honey.

i removed the omf before winter on the advice of the inspector

Not sure why. Must have been a reason - did you ask why? Most leave them on. I would if on a brood and a super of stores.

the wax I scraped off the qe yesterday, some 200 yds from the hive...

Never leave wax around. It will attract wax moth, and may spread disease.

Regards, RAB
Yes that's all normal.

I always sniff the hole in the crownboard. if you smell a lovely aroma of wood and honey all's well, usually.

if the smell is like a carpet thats had wine spilt on it, not good.

if the smell reminds you of hot cross buns, then you also probably have 1000 stinging insects on your face as well.