Strange behaviour in the hive

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House Bee
Nov 25, 2017
Reaction score
Northern ireland
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Hi everyone

Strange behaviour for me in my hive.

So in my hive that didn't have a queen i put in a queen cell but before it hatched the bees had started drawing out more queen cells.

So the queen cell hatched but i couldnt find her so i tore down the closed queen cells and left 5 loaded ones while i went to figure out a plan.

3 days later they have all disappeared and no sign of the queen yet.

So i put in a test frame of eggs and will know shortly the plan but i have never heard of the queen cells partially built being torn down.

Any idea's or advice

Thanks in advance
The partially built ones will have been abandoned and restructured because you have a virgin running loose in their is my best guess.
Yes, first cell "emerged" (queen cells don't hatch) and they tore down the others, pretty normal behaviour.. Now sit back and wait for your new queen to get mated and start laying (hopefully).
" but i have never heard of the queen cells partially built being torn down."

... you have now - seen it firsthand, like.
Common enough to leave them be more often than n0t.
Buuut it is all learning, so in that light I cannot find any
worrying error in your management.

Thanks for all the advice. For some reason i had it in my head that they waited to the cells were sealed before they killed them and that it was the queen that did it. There is a fair amount of nectar in that hive should i put on a super so they move it up and make room for the queen to lay
Thanks for all the advice. For some reason i had it in my head that they waited to the cells were sealed before they killed them and that it was the queen that did it. There is a fair amount of nectar in that hive should i put on a super so they move it up and make room for the queen to lay

Yes. Bung on a drawn super
My drawn super is on my other hive. I take it drawn out would be ideal but they will draw out wax
Thanks for all the advice. For some reason i had it in my head that they waited to the cells were sealed before they killed them and that it was the queen that did it. There is a fair amount of nectar in that hive should i put on a super so they move it up and make room for the queen to lay

Not at all so - moreover it is very doubtfull the queen kills anything other than
an intruder queen (gypsy) or another virgin queen running around after emerging
and coming into her space. Worker bees (egg Police) are thought to look after all
this as video (inhouse) abiity today is showing.
These things would be classed as myth in any other science as many today rely
heavily on time honoured ye olde boukes, stuff beekeepers wrote with quill and ink.
Times they are a'changing, largely thanks to newer technologies post Y2K.

Throw a box on, QX below and move the stores up physically.
Add new frames to the outer extents of the broodnest only, do not disrupt the
core of the nest.
More where the above is not plain to you. I have standard (operational) sketches

Would you bother with a queen excluder at this point as being a virgin she might be able to get up through or so i have been told.

My worry would be if she ran into complications with it and dies
Would you bother with a queen excluder at this point as being a virgin she might be able to get up through or so i have been told.

My worry would be if she ran into complications with it and dies

My understanding of your post#6 is you were speculating on
the next move _after_ she is laying. Something I would hope
you wait for before doing aything at all.

QXs are built around thorax size, a dimenson fixed for the Life
of the queen a few hours after emergence as the exoskekton
Free clue?
If you choose to start your journey paying attention to those
"if/but/maybe" rarities you'll find on the Internet your Plan
can never set, never gather you experience, as you'll be "tail
chasing" forever and a day. Determine what is written in stone
as verufiable and go with that, only.

And stop opening this hive!!! Leave it alone for a good 2 weeks at least.
I always leave mine a minimum of four weeks for the queen to be strong enough to go on her mating flights and for egg laying to begin. Longer if the weather is bad and always a good indication if pollen begins to be collected that you have brood inside that needs feeding.
Patience is what is required and no opening of the hive to have a look inside.

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