Human Beeing
New Bee
I am looking for a mentor. Re Varroa, I know she drizzled a treatment across them which seemed to be sufficient to make them groom but I wouldn't be looking to do this without a mentor to help.If you get bees now and don't have a mentor or someone to sort them out for winter you may aswell throw your money on the fire.
Do you have any idea what to feed them and how ?
What about varroa treatment if it hasn't been done ?
Do you have an apiary set up waiting ?
If your putting them at home have you thought about your neighbours people can be funny.
What equipment do you have ? Any idea what you will need ?
A lot more to it than a wooden box and some bees.
Are there any restrictions on your property regarding keeping bees ?
The hive comes with a top feeder which she uses through the winter - again I would have some learning to do.
I was planning on the bottom of the garden although my dad has some unused land where he hardly goes and my brother also has a large, rarely-used garden he said I can use so I had those penciled in as backups.
Re at home, we have a 12 foot tall, thick hawthorn hedge so the advice I've read is that I can point the entrance towards that and the bees will fly mostly upwards thereby not bumping into people. Although there is lawn so I wasn't sure if I risk annoying them with the mower.
Re equipment, she's getting rid of everything and offered a cedar national hive plus a full colony, suit, feed, jars, treatments, tool, feed, and other bits, for £150 so it seemed like I should bite her hand off really. If I lost the bees, the other stuff would be worth the price.
Good point about easements and wayleaves though, I haven't checked that.
It's just a box of insects.