To be honest it was another beekeeper that did suggest it to me which has now frazzled my mind in what to do, I can see what he means about 2 hives is better than 1 for winter etc but it does worry me a little about splitting my my hive
I can see what he means about 2 hives is better than 1 for winter
I'm always a naturally cautious person, so this approach suited me best, but I'd definitely do the same in the same position again. I think expecting a beginner in their first year to get a successful split created and nice and strong going into the winter is always going to be tougher than just really concentrating on doing the best for the bees you already have.
Thank you fiat500 Just bear in mind I've only been at this 15 months so don't actually know what I'm doing half the time!Is ther no way to "like" posts on this forum? I like two of yours already.