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thieves have specially adapted vans to hold the fuel.
They do. The other annoyance is that they take the bulk and leave the dregs to dribble onto the ground. That's a few cubic metres of contaminated soil you have to pay to dispose of.
All tanks should have a bund. Easy to fill that and then pump away. It should not get on the soil under normal circumstances, but of course the scum don't really care...

Remember, too, lots of 'tanks' are now simply double walled plastic containers.
if they did that with a core drill 1 it would have been quite noisey 2 very messy 3 a lot of buckets to catch it as it would have come out so fast they would lost a lot when changing buckets then they wouldn't care as long as they got havle the oil and left the mess for you
They're very clever buggers - a few years when we were tied up in Grimsby a few of these likeable characters got into the dock area (floodlit, locked up at night and with cctv) broke into a fuel tank not far from where we were (our presence didn't daunt them.took what they wanted and left the rest spill onto the quayside no-one knew about it until the following morning
absolute b*&%^#$&s arent they dont care about the wildlife as long as there happy but if there caught what will they get caution if lucky
they use a high-volume 12v pump, with a hose, and fill up ibc's in the back of the van. they often strike at haulage contractors, smashing the locks off of the fuel tanks on the lorries

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