A limited company in the UK has some advantages ... but - when a business is effectively a one man band you are arguably better off as a Sole Trader - or if sharing it with family or friend - a parnership. Limited companies separate the 'business' from your personal assets in the event that anything goes wrong. But the usual risk is from borrowing (bank loan, overdraft etc.) and not being able to meet the terms of the borrowing for some reason (health, accident, injury, disastrous business failure) but the reality is that, these days, if someone or an institution is going to offer you a loan or line of credit then they will be looking for either collateral or personal guarantees ... and you will still be liable personally even in a limited company, as a Director.
If the business grows to the size where you are employing people, have multiple assets, premises and costs solely associated with the business then you may be better of with a limited company - more so if there are directors and shareholders outside of your immediate family (and even then directors agreements are well advised - just in case - fall outs are not unhead of even in families).