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May 20, 2024
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Since my stroke, my beekeeping knowledge, which was quite good ( had bees for 25 yrs ) is now like reading a very large book with bits of or whole chapters missing.
I've collected a swarm. ( story in what Do you do in Apiary today )
As today is pouring with rain no bees are flying. So I was going to move the nuc from the lawn tonight onto the top of a spare hive I've set up.
I can't remember how long to leave them in the nuc box before transferring brood frames into new bb. Weather permitting. I'm going to give them dollops of blown super frame mixed with honey to keep them going as weather forecast is not brilliant this week.
My equipment now is made up of very old hives and frames and some new as I gradually replace the ones no longer viable.
I have spare super frames in freezer with OSR in them. Plus fondant ( homemade) I've plenty of sugar to make feed.
I've got 2 more bb frames both sides drawn out.
I was going to put those aswell into new hive.
Also, I used to keep my hives 2ft apart. Is that distance alright ?
Help please. I'm writing your brilliant help in my bee book to refer to. 17167045208633873984746214902298.jpg
I can't remember how long to leave them in the nuc box before transferring brood frames into new bb.
Straight away
Swarms are wax drawing machines. I would give them a box of foundation as well as those two drawn frames you have and rather than frames of food I'd give them syrup....but tomorrow

Hive spacing is fine
Straight away
Swarms are wax drawing machines. I would give them a box of foundation as well as those two drawn frames you have and rather than frames of food I'd give them syrup....but tomorrow

Hive spacing is fine
Thank you. I will do it as soon as it stops pouring. 7pm hopefully. Will make up more BB frames/ foundation. Plus syrup today.
Thank you. I will do it as soon as it stops pouring. 7pm hopefully. Will make up more BB frames/ foundation. Plus syrup today.
I understand where you’re at. My wife had a small stroke in her brain stem and can’t remember simple things, like what meals she used to cook! (She’s very good with steak now though🤗).
If you have a frame of brood to spare from your other colonies, adding it to the swarm when you hive it, will encourage them to stay.
I understand where you’re at. My wife had a small stroke in her brain stem and can’t remember simple things, like what meals she used to cook! (She’s very good with steak now though🤗).
If you have a frame of brood to spare from your other colonies, adding it to the swarm when you hive it, will encourage them to stay.
Ha it must be a stroke thing my husband says I do excellent steak 😋
Ah, another forgotten thing. I have 5 hives at the moment. One certainly has good brood frames. I will look and swap a frame.
Thank you Poot.
used to keep my hives 2ft apart. Is that distance alright ?
As you have them on individual stands and plenty of room, I suggest that you consider moving them further apart or closer together. Two feet is not enough to allow easy box movement without bumping into the next hive (not a good idea).

Further apart - say, 6 or 8 feet - will give freedom of movement.

Closer together - say, 6 or 8 inches - will allow you to work both from either end with freedom of movement, and unite or divert flyers should you wish.
Couldn't do a thing yesterday. Bad thunderstorms with 45 degree driving rain.
Early this morning have done as suggested here. Nuc frames in brood box. 4 frames of good drawn out foundation. Feeder in situ with syrup.
Went to get a frame of brood from a strong colony but they were not happy, so closed up.
Moved all hives so it's easier for me to work, plus more room for the remaining hives I have.
Thank you everyone for your help. Checked now, bees flying and coming in with pollen. Keeping fingers crossed.

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