Smallest swarm ever

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Boston Bees

Oct 13, 2020
Reaction score
West Yorkshire
I saw some aerial activity on a footpath near my house today and, lo and behold, there was a very small cluster of bees on a twig. It seemed so tiny that I thought it must be some confused bees following a mating flight, but hours later they are still there, so I guess they are a swarm. But honestly, I'm embarrassed to go and collect them. There must be 300 of them max. Why on earth did they bother?

No No......both of you
They are making a valiant effort to protect their queen
of course you have to save them
These swarmed form the colony in the tree box April 2018.I watched them leave, starvation swarm I presumed
I made a nuc up for the queen and she gave me a good few supers of honey that year and she was finally superseded this year.
Go and save them.
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Could have absconded from a mini mating nuc?
When I did my 1st inspections on a warm March day this year all my colonies were flying apart from 1 which I presumed had died out. I opened them up to find a tennis size cluster between 2 frames,maybe 150 bees and the Q. I swapped it's position with a stronger colony and today have had to add a fifth super. Don't give up on them!
It is always possible, someone else has collected the majority and left a few bees behind which are clustering where the queen was…

Or a few bees have gone with a superceded queen, which was driven out of the hive rather than snuffed…

If there is a queen there, they would be a challenge to save, without some careful additions to reinforce their numbers, like gregior did. First check is for a queen, I suppose, otherwise no real hope.
I collected a similar scenario back in May, they were QL. I can only assume they were stragglers left behind from a swarm collected or a swarm that had moved on.