Shook swarm into Abelo Polyhive

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I bought a National polyhive from Abelo at their open day recently. I had noticed one of my 14 x 12 plywood hives was expanding rapidly but had a lot of dark wax and I had planned to move the colony into the polyhive by a Bailey change but when I opened up on Saturday to start the procedure I discovered several charged queen cells with grubs in advanced stages. Two of the cells were in the process of being capped but the queen was still present.
I changed plans and switched to a shook swarm. I inserted a queen excluder under the new brood box prior to shaking the bees into the new hive with clean foundation as a belt and braces precaution to ensure no swarm would leave the box if they had made their minds up before I looked in.
I gave them a feeder full of thin syrup to fuel comb building and left them to get on with drawing fresh comb. I'll take the queen excluder out in a week or so when the bees have drawn some new comb and hopefully the queen has been busy laying in it. In the meantime there is a lot of traffic at the entrance. Bees are foraging and landing heavily plus some yellow pollen and orange pollen is being brought in.
The colony seemed healthy but never seemed to get into top gear. I found a single queen cell centre frame at previous inspection and yesterday it was opened and empty. Still eggs being laid so it appears the bees weren't impressed by the queen and are superceding.

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