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You can do quite a lot of it yourself. Here are some tips to get you started:

Have lots of relevant wording on the front (home) page.

Change the site content regularly. Google (and this is the only search engine you need to worry about as it accounts for over 70% of all searches) will downgrade your site if it finds the content does not change - it will consider the site dormant.

Link your site to a Facebook page and if you can stomach it Twitter as well.

More difficult, but perhaps the most valuable, are references to your site on other sites. The references need to be relevant, so if you are selling woolly socks you won't get many points for a reference on a holiday site - but you would on a site about clothing. Many websites will give you a reference if you give them one in return but you need to contact the websites personally; don't send out a shotgun e-mail. It won't get past most spam filters and if it does it will probably be deleted without being read. I must bin at least a dozen a week..

In the old days people would add words to pages as a sort of hidden text and repeat these words many times (e.g. socks, socks, socks...) but Google will mark you down if you do this now. However, the design of your site might allow for keywords to be entered, and these should be used. For example, still on the socks theme, keywords might be: wool, woollen, warm, socks, stocking, stockings, hosiery, natural, British, etc. What you are entering are words people might use in a search string.

Sign up for Google Analytics. It is free and the amount of data it will tell you about your site and the people who view it might alarm you! For example, what sort of browser they are using, the size of the screen they have plus of course which pages they look at and how long they spend looking at them.

You also need to consider how your site is hosted. This is a more complex field and I am not really familar with it but some hosting packages hide the actual content not on your website but somewhere else and there is a sort of divert mechanism to send viewers to it. My first e-commerce site used Actinic Express and this did this - which makes it much harder for search engines to find your site.

Certain packages are also good or bad at SEO. Wordpress claims to optimise SEO and there is an article with some tips here: This is aimed at Wordpress but most if not all of what is said applies to any website.

Other applications offer different functionality, Weebly is not supposed to be as good as Wordpress for SEO but I think this argument is more for geeks - at the amateur level I suspect it is fine.
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All good sound advice, the biggie is not to be conned into spending money with the loads of companies out there who will cheerfully milk you of a small fortune for "SEO"- Google "webmaster" can be a great help! (Jump through their hoops so it gets "crawled" - upload a sitemap etc.)
Good tips guys, I have used weebly for my site, it's been live about two months now but still not showing up in searches apart from using site name, trying to get it to show when people do a search for products in a geographical location, I suspect is a bit of a dark art!
thanks rooftops... wil do . its my first attempt at a website so go easy!!

also its not 100% done we still adding sections but i wanted to get it live ASAP so it would start to get ranked.bee-smillie
Any seo experts that would be interested in tweaking my website?

Depending on how friendly you are, there is website that my son-in-law (an IT expert working on Govt contracts for Cap Gemini, Telford) recommends for remote assistance on-line, called Team Viewer at, which is free and allows a pal to fiddle with ones settings etc over the telephone connection whilst one sits and watches but with the option to stop it if not happy.

I am trying to make my page with beehives visible, it's about the hive sale in The UK. What dou you thing, shoul i leave .com domain or do i need to switch to domain?
Looks like I beat you to it with the spam trap Jakub.
You need to get up a little earlier...:rolleyes:

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