Used to use small brass screws which were a fiddly pain in the bum. Swapped to map pins (the ones with bright coloured large heads.) Never looked back. (Also easier to take out.)
Swapped to map pins (the ones with bright coloured large heads.)
what about using the slot in mouse guards? just fix the slots in place and then free to add/remove MG as desired.
I use map pins on my wooden hives. I have not put mouse guards on my polys for a couple of years, maybe lucky but not had a problem, I am wondering if I should stop using them altogether.
BTW. I have had problems with mice getting at stored empty boxes with frames.
what about using the slot-in mouse guards? just fix the slots in place and then free to add/remove MG as desired.
I did put guards, but only slotted them in beside a sliding entrance on a WBC, rather than pinning them securely. Evicted 3 mice from the hive last weekend!! Lesson learned!