Second round with jenter

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Queen Bee
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Feb 18, 2010
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Wasn't sure how this would go as I used Q+ colony this time! Well I have just checked and I have 17/20 excepted which I'm really pleased with:)
I used a home made type of crown board which I'll be using a lot more I think, very simple to make and use.
Wasn't sure how this would go as I used Q+ colony this time! Well I have just checked and I have 17/20 excepted which I'm really pleased with:)
I used a home made type of crown board which I'll be using a lot more I think, very simple to make and use.

Last run with Amm in the knock off Nicot system produced 50 set larvae that resulted in 30 nice queens in a q+ colony.. the q- did zilch!
Second run today... not a single set larvae, from same Amm colony!
So I cell punched 10 and grafted another 30 for the hell of it!
And all that in the midst of a sudden hail storm... wrath of someone for me interfering with Natures way no doubt!!:hairpull:

Nos da
Did you get the kit from auction site? I could do with another one really but jenter cost too much, what your like? I should try grafting, maybe next season but I'm so busy I don't seem to find time lol. Why did you mix grafting and punch out? Hedge your bets?
Did you get the kit from auction site? I could do with another one really but jenter cost too much, what your like? I should try grafting, maybe next season but I'm so busy I don't seem to find time lol. Why did you mix grafting and punch out? Hedge your bets?

Nicot kit only some £27 - cheap in beekeeping terms
Did you get the kit from auction site? I could do with another one really but jenter cost too much, what your like? I should try grafting, maybe next season but I'm so busy I don't seem to find time lol. Why did you mix grafting and punch out? Hedge your bets?

Bought some years ago... I cell punched and grafted because the kit was in the back of the truck... and to hedge my bets!!
BeeHiveSupplies has a range of kit that ic compatible with the Nicot system.. and some very useful "top hats" (I think they are candy holders) that can be used to protect queen cells taken "off the frame" for the incubator!

good luck
Yeghes da
Is there much difference between the two kits anyone know? Apart from the price that is lol. I'll check that shop out cheers..
Jenter at my place is proven better in small sample ( my mentor and me we use jenter, heard experience of three other beeks using nicot). In jenter we don't have problem with laying, in nicot they have always problems with laying. I think the queen is reluctant to lay direct in qc, rahter in normal cell size.
When I was buying kit, I followed the mentor and never regret, it worth every penny and double. How is said: I am not enough rich to buy cheap..
I have used Nicot three times this year : the queen laid every time.

I do follow the instructions though.
I didn't know the cells where different in each kit, I thought they where the same just a rebranding of some type! Thank you for pointing that out Goran.I have seen a USA version which I really like but it makes the jenter look cheap!

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