Scary or what ?

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None of us stood up...............we were too busy...working to provide for our families, and hypnotised by tech and pop. Supplied by the rich, to get our attention.

Tech is in control.

We can tear down forests, really fast, with the help of Tech.

Why do we crave really fast?

Tech is killing animals in laboratories, by the ton a day.

We don't have the whole picture.

Why are our children being dumbed down like we were.
Why are our children being dumbed down like we were.
Probably because the parent's are still doped to LaLa land, p!ssed on cheap tesco lager and expecting the state to teach their kids everything from potty training, doing their own flies up to ordinary civilized moral living
Change will only come about from the bottom up its all about what we do as individuals that will change things and not just looking towards governments and blaming everyone else for the problems we face. Mass extinctions have happened before and they will again our time on this planet may come to an end but it will continue for bit longer once we have all disappeared into the dust.

Reasonable idea but.......During the Thatcher years the 'pole tax' brought together several 'classes' (ie working class, middle class) to fight for a common cause, to get rid of the tax. You may disagree with me, but the government at the time underestimated the situation.
This time they have learned by their mistakes (a little!) and made sure that we are kept divided by making each section of society believe that 'I'm all right Jack' and so keeping us squabbling amongst ourselves, thereby avoiding the unity of the Thatcher years. Very difficult to get people to band together to 'fight the good fight' when there is little to gain for the individual who sees they are on safe ground, so to speak.
If you want to band together, then at last count,:( there are two of us LOL
Why are our children being dumbed down like we were.

Parents mostly now have the tech via the most powerful open source education system(interweb) to take responsibility for limiting "dumbed down".

expecting the state to teach their kids everything

Quite, time we moved away from a silly sense of entitlement and helplessness.

The unity of the Thatcher years.

Irony meters just gone off the scale broken.
During the Thatcher years the 'pole tax' brought together several 'classes'


Nothing changes eh? immigrants still getting the blame for everything - and not just the Poles - Romanians, Latvians, Turks............
Yep ... The answer lies in the next few generations if the planet has any chance of being saved but the reality is that so many people (not just in the 'civilised' world but in under developed countries as well) have become accustomed to a way of life that eats resources at a pace that cannot be sustained.

I try my best to conserve and I think there are many on this forum that also live a life with an eye on their environment - perhaps beekeepers are a little closer to some of the problems the world faces ? - But ... I see a general lack of concern in the vast majority of people I come into contact with.

Perhaps what we need (as it seems that some parents take little personal responsibility for educating their children in a different way of living) is an initiative within schools to teach sustainability as part of the core curriculum ... is there anyone in Government listening ?
I would imagine, that many of us with a few years under our belt, will remember our youth as being 'a bit different' from today.
Although memory plays tricks, I remember having hope for the future. Most of us probably saw the chance of a job on leaving education. Many jobs were 'for life'. Then you would think of the future as perhaps saving up, buying a house, perhaps spouse and a couple of kids, reasonable standard of living till retirement, happy number of comfortable years till the inevitable ending.
Now what have the young got to look forward to?
Confused and changing education system that doesn't know who to serve.
Few reasonable jobs (not including, zero hours and the false self employment scams) not enough affordable housing (plenty of affordable houses being built near me, you know, the 4 and 5 bedroom detached type of affordable!!)
No security in work. Pensions schemes in turmoil or non existent. A few years of pensionable existence, freezing to death due to high fuel bills then heavy tax on your death! (if you've got anything left)
No wonder the young have given up in many areas. How do you crawl your way out of that and make a success of your life?
So the attitude is live for now and to hell with the future.
Problem is it's our generation that's holding the 'smoking gun'.
Got a headache now! :mad:
We have the answers already, we just don't want them enough yet.

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