Scary or what ?

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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Nothing new about this info, Phil, everyone knows that planet earth and everything on it is doomed.
Nothing new about this info, Phil, everyone knows that planet earth and everything on it is doomed.

I'd like to take a more optimistic view and hope that the damage my generation has done to the planet could be reversed or at least halted ... It's a new study commissioned by Nature and I've not seen it presented in quite such stark terms ... there's a lot of ostriches with their heads in the sand at the highest levels of Governments !
I'd like to take a more optimistic view and hope that the damage my generation has done to the planet could be reversed or at least halted .

I would like to see the same, but realistically nothing is going to happen to prevent the inevitable, human stupidity and greed will not allow it.
Its ok the government will bring out a save the world Tax so we have nothing to worry about except how we will afford to pay our taxes!
People cant complain about the future because we are all responsible , yes, some more than others , but who's more responsible? The man cutting down the rain forest or the man sitting on his arse watching about it on TV, then forgetting all about it the next day?
The human race is a disgrace, we are not superior, we are inferior to most species, they arent killing the world, they are just a part of it trying to survive our greed & ignorance!
I would like to see the same, but realistically nothing is going to happen to prevent the inevitable, human stupidity and greed will not allow it.

Hmmmm ... depressing at times isn't it ? I think that it is going to take something really dramatic in global terms to bring the human race back to a state where we are no longer in a position to continue to destroy the planet ... a meteor strike of cataclysmic consequence perhaps ? Not that I would wish this on anyone ...
Same as Hindustan Times.
Step on the gas: What India must do for the planet.
We sell our old technology to third world countries for them to use and then phase them out slowly.

Does anyone mention the 2053 nuclear test explosions that have happened.
Look at the Time lapse explosions of every nuclear explosion on u tube
A distant relative of mine rediscovered a marsupial in Australia that was thought to be extinct.

Sadly, there are not that many new species to be found and those that are will be threatened by the loss or contamination of their environment if we don't start and take better care of our planet ... which we share with a huge diversity of other life forms. As the animal at the top of the food chain we have an immense responsibility which so many of us seem to relinquish ..
Q Why is nothing done?
A Because the rich and powerful that control decision making do not feel threatened yet!
Once they do, then things MAY begin to change. (Provided it's not too late of course).
Until then nothing will seriously take shape. :beatdeadhorse5:
Q Why is nothing done?
A Because the rich and powerful that control decision making do not feel threatened yet!
Once they do, then things MAY begin to change. (Provided it's not too late of course).
Until then nothing will seriously take shape. :beatdeadhorse5:

Or might it be that teh cost of action - and its consequences mean that no-one will accept it?

After all, based on research we should stop 90% of CO2 emissions NOW> and for the next 300 years.

So no central heating, cars, flyaway holiday, steaks, (especially steak), cows' milk, cement, and limited electricity generation (no internet or mobiles as a result).##

No-one will vote for that.

## what the Greens promise to do if elected.. but also we will all have a basic income and enhanced pensions etc etc.. Only a credulous naif could believe their manifesto....
Or might it be that teh cost of action - and its consequences mean that no-one will accept it?

After all, based on research we should stop 90% of CO2 emissions NOW> and for the next 300 years.

So no central heating, cars, flyaway holiday, steaks, (especially steak), cows' milk, cement, and limited electricity generation (no internet or mobiles as a result).##

No-one will vote for that.

## what the Greens promise to do if elected.. but also we will all have a basic income and enhanced pensions etc etc.. Only a credulous naif could believe their manifesto....

I agree with what you say, madasafish, as to give up most of those things would put us back into the dark ages. The problem is, finding something we can modify that 'helps the planet' without being too drastic for the voters.
One off the top of my head is plastic bags from supermarkets. How many times have we heard about how bad they are yet the only solution was to start charging for them in SOME supermarkets.
Has had some effect, but many people just simply pay for them anyway without a thought as they barely notice it on the bill.
Some time ago there was a TV article where bio-degradable bags (made from sugar) could easily replace non bio-degradable bags made from oil and for the same manufacturing costs. Nothing came of it. Oil companies too much influence? I would imagine there are many other examples of technology held back in the pursuit of wealth. Not that I'm cynical you understand!
As we don't 'jet' anywhere, don't have central heating as such (extra layers of clothing and a bit of work does the job) etc. we do help a bit, but no where near what's needed.
Humans continue to breed, far in excess of sustainable resources, but when people come on TV and say they have umpteen kids in the family they get a round of applause from the audience! We need people to wise up but it's highly unlikely, far too many 'X' factor fans (or indeed any other talent shows, :legal!) and candidates for the Jeremy Kyle holding pen!
Don't have the answers I'm afraid.
CO2 is a distraction imho, we should concentrate on preserving habitats so as to pass on as much biodiversity to future generations as possible.
CO2 is a distraction imho, we should concentrate on preserving habitats so as to pass on as much biodiversity to future generations as possible.

Good point. That way the CO2 could be put back in the ground from whence it came as well as sustaining us mortals! :cheers2:
Please note the beer is from locally resourced, sell sustaining products!:spy:
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Read the book "The Sheep look up" by John Brunner.

This was a SF book written in 1972 based on the info available at the time.

fact becoming fiction becoming fact
Pol Pot was working on a scheme similar to this.

Yep, bit of a failure I believe. Could get mankind to use a bit of common sense and not be so greedy and selfish........but not going to happen.
Mention a petrol shortage and people are ready to kill one another for a litre!
Imagine if something serious happened!!!!!!:eek:
Change will only come about from the bottom up its all about what we do as individuals that will change things and not just looking towards governments and blaming everyone else for the problems we face. Mass extinctions have happened before and they will again our time on this planet may come to an end but it will continue for bit longer once we have all disappeared into the dust.

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