New Bee
I installed two NUCs one on 5/16, the other on 6/3. They are situated next to each other approximately one foot between them. This morning everything seemed fine, but around noon when I went back to check on them and perform a weekly hive inspection I found approximately 30 dead bees on the ground near hive #1 and wrestling going on. the bees were clearly agitated. I immediately went into panic mood (suspecting robbing). I immediately removed the boardman feeder and reduced the opening. I also inspected both hives and everything seemed to be ok. No uncapped honey and normal work activity inside. Things seemed to calm down which I suspected was a result of the smoking. so I let them be. I just checked again 6 hours later and found 8 new dead bees but normal hive activity. Normal landings and takeoffs, no wrestling. Is this really robbing or is it possible that the hives are too close together and the dead bees are errant hive #2 bees that tried to get into the wrong hive?