New Bee
I would be very grateful for some advice. I found charged queencells in a hive 9 days ago. As this is a rather agressive colony and I could not find the queen I smoked the top brood box ( half brood ) and reasoned (correctly as it turned out) that she might well move down in to the bottom BB. I moved the bottom BB a few feet away leaving the half brood box (with no queencells)) and 3 supers on the original site, therefore separating most nurse bees and queen from the flying bees. A week later, no new queencells in Q+ hive, and I took down all emergency cells in Q- hive. I need to requeen these bees as soon as possible - they are a liability, having stung my husband, grandchild and 2 friends recently with no warning. They are quite close to a lane - walkers, cyclists etc. My plan is to requeen the Q+ part, ( after dispatching old Q obvs) then combine with the BB on original site a few days later, with new queen in top box. I know that they might still be in swarm mode/ still be agressive for weeks/ might not accept new queen but I need to act very soon if not today! Is this a reasonably sensible way of doing things? I have 2 new queens on order, and a queen from a recent split ( not mine) in a nuc with about 3 frames of brood. Thank you for reading!