Boston Bees
if you go brood and a half any swarm cells will be on the bottom of the top box. So instead of doing a complete inspection of the the brood every time you can simply look at the underside of the half and remove any swarm cells you see.
Sorry, I run B+1/2 on several colonies and this is not correct.
It is true that if there are swarm cells anywhere in the colony then it is highly likely (though not certain) that at least one of them will be on the underside of the top frames. But they won't just be there - bees don't work like that. If there are swarm cells on the underside of the top box there will also be one or more hidden elsewhere. So just ripping down the cells on the bottom of the frames won't stop swarming in most cases - you will need to take out the frames one by one and find the other cells.
Anyway, just ripping down swarm cells isn't a swarm control strategy on its own, but that's a whole other thread.
I am unwinding all my B+1/2 colonies this year and moving to single brood, double brood or nuc towers, as I find the combination of two different sizes of frame with brood in to be just too much of a hassle, but that's just me.