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House Bee
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Preston, Lancashire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
This new bee , house bee, field bee , drone, queen bee status thingy. is there a list to say how many posts you need to have to achieved a certain status?
I sent a message via 'contact us' to ask a couple of weeks back how this works but never got a reply.
It works on posts I think. I became a drone when I reached 1000 posts! Oh! And I now see I am a queen so that was probably on the 3000 mark! God, I spend too much time on this forum!!!
When you hit 5,000 you are a GOP.
Grumpy Old Pedant.
You know who they are.:)
If you slip Admin a £1 per point, you can get up the scale more quickly than us poor peasants...:winner1st:
I would love to go back to a drone as I am not totally comfortable with been called a queen.
If you put 'I agree' on every post you will soon get up the ladder! ;)
Note to new bee keepers.. a queen doesn't mean we know it all ..:cool: just too much time on our hands, so don't take all as gospel. Think for yourself too.
See who has lots of hives as they probably have the experience you are looking for.
Think it may be over 100 for hose bee over 500 for field bee