question about oxycallic trickle treatment

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New Bee
Jun 9, 2015
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Berkshire, UK
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Now that the weather is finally colder here, I'm going to treat for varroa using the trickle method. I couldn't treat at end of summer due to queen issues! My question is do I leave the varroa insert board in during the treatment or will the oxycallic drip down on to the board and ruin it?
Thank you.
'Cos the subject has been Done to Death methinks??

nos da

The OP asked a straighforward question about inspection trays and oxalic trickling, we can let the evangelistic preaching about following the one way to someone else (although that would have meant a dogmatic mantra on dribbling OA) ah, hold on, he's not allowed in here :D
'Leave' varroa insert board in? Are you saying it is normally there?
I sell hops to home brewers so have plenty of hops to play with . I may try dry hoping a few hives .
No, I only put varroa board in for 24 hours after trickling the oxycallic acid. There was a drop of about 150. Also, you were right, the board did come up nice and clean!

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