Queen Bee
I think it is correct to say that a swarm always has a least initially?
I also believe that the first or prime swarm contains the older mated queen and subsequent cast swarms a virgin queen or probably not infrequently, multiple virgins. I've certainly seen more than one virgin queen in a cast swarm.
Can it be the case however, that the prime swarm can have the old mated queen and also a virgin queen? I've never seen it but wondered if anyone had or if they know of it?
I also believe that the first or prime swarm contains the older mated queen and subsequent cast swarms a virgin queen or probably not infrequently, multiple virgins. I've certainly seen more than one virgin queen in a cast swarm.
Can it be the case however, that the prime swarm can have the old mated queen and also a virgin queen? I've never seen it but wondered if anyone had or if they know of it?