? Queen less hive

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May 3, 2023
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Hi, I'm a bit worried I have a queenless hive going into the winter. I live in Somerset, it's quite mild right now, did a quick inspection last week in the sunshine & couldn't see any eggs or brood or queen.
Any advice? Will they make it through the winter without a queen?
This is my 3rd year beekeeping, just have 1 hive, same colony since I started, was a swarm given to me so no real idea how old the queen was then, but they've always been such a lovely calm lot! I'd be gutted to lose them. They were still super calm even when inspected last week.
Thanks in advance

At this point you probably just have to wait and see what happens over the Winter. Having another hive would definitely give you more options should something go wrong in the future. Whereabouts in Somerset are you?

Will they make it through the winter without a queen?
All you can hope for is that they are on a brood break. It's one reason I tell people to not bother inspecting at this time of year, all it does is spark panic and cause worry over the winter.
Either she is on a brood break, or the queen is gone, nothing you can do to change anything so just sit back and hope for the best.
Hi, I'm a bit worried I have a queenless hive going into the winter. I live in Somerset, it's quite mild right now, did a quick inspection last week in the sunshine & couldn't see any eggs or brood or queen.
Any advice? Will they make it through the winter without a queen?
This is my 3rd year beekeeping, just have 1 hive, same colony since I started, was a swarm given to me so no real idea how old the queen was then, but they've always been such a lovely calm lot! I'd be gutted to lose them. They were still super calm even when inspected last week.
Thanks in advance

It's too late to be fiddling about now. Make sure the hive has stores and leave them alone until spring. You might be lucky but I reckon you'll be in the market for another colony when spring arrives. Honestly if as a beginner you've managed 3 years with a single colony or without losing swarms you've been quite unusuaL
Thanks everyone. Last 2 years have tried to split this colony, the queen didn't do quite what I expected so ended up re-joining them again - and while I didn't succeed in getting 2 colonies out of it, I did manage to avoid swarming. I'm part of Somerton beekeepers association - and do go there when I'm free on a Tuesday, but not always possible. Will try again next year!
Thanks everyone. Last 2 years have tried to split this colony, the queen didn't do quite what I expected so ended up re-joining them again - and while I didn't succeed in getting 2 colonies out of it, I did manage to avoid swarming. I'm part of Somerton beekeepers association - and do go there when I'm free on a Tuesday, but not always possible. Will try again next year!
I am not far away from you then if you are ever desperate for a second opinion. But Somerton has a good reputation so I am sure they will set you straight. Just so you don't feel you are alone have a squint at the link at the bottom of this post😏
I am not far away from you then if you are ever desperate for a second opinion. But Somerton has a good reputation so I am sure they will set you straight. Just so you don't feel you are alone have a squint at the link at the bottom of this post😏
Thanks 😊
Thanks everyone. Last 2 years have tried to split this colony, the queen didn't do quite what I expected so ended up re-joining them again - and while I didn't succeed in getting 2 colonies out of it, I did manage to avoid swarming. I'm part of Somerton beekeepers association - and do go there when I'm free on a Tuesday, but not always possible. Will try again next year!
I would order an overwintered nuc.
couldn't see any eggs or brood or queen.
I went through 12 last week - one or two frames pulled in the centre of BBs - and didn't see eggs in any. Scraps of sealed brood here and there, no queens.

super calm even when inspected last week.
Yes, go to two: split when very strong in midsummer. You may or may not replicate the good temper, but that can be addressed later.
Hi, I'm a bit worried I have a queenless hive going into the winter. I live in Somerset, it's quite mild right now, did a quick inspection last week in the sunshine & couldn't see any eggs or brood or queen.
Any advice? Will they make it through the winter without a queen?
This is my 3rd year beekeeping, just have 1 hive, same colony since I started, was a swarm given to me so no real idea how old the queen was then, but they've always been such a lovely calm lot! I'd be gutted to lose them. They were still super calm even when inspected last week.
Thanks in advance

I’m also in Somerest, and when going through my 4 hives, found one that was lovely and calm, but no brood, a few drones, and I couldn’t see the queen. There’s not a lot you can do at the moment, but wait until spring. I agree it’s quite possible you have a supercedure taking/taken place, so you might not spot the queen. Don’t worry, you could have a nice surprise in the spring. Ok, I’ve got 3 (hopefully) good hives left, so I’m not in quite the same position. Somerton will help you out come next year if necessary.

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