Queen Introduction - Queens Cells?

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Field Bee
May 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hive Type
Number of Hives
6 >12 - 14x12 + Nucs
Had the Chance to Re-Queen A Grumpy Hive so jumped at the chance.
Timings wise was only able to Kill Old Queen and at The same Time put the New Queen in In Queen Cage ( Plastic Tab Closed).

It's been 3 days, u checked this morning to see if Bees felt ready to Open Plastic tab to Gain Access to Fondant Plug - Colony is particularly aggressive & Large so was playing Safe with Not Taking Plastic Tab of Straight away.

So on the Inspection i Spotted 8 x Queen cells being Built, I Cut These out.

Should i hold off Removing plastic Tab until 8 days has passed from Killing Old Queen.


Remove Plastic Tab to enable Queen To Escape From Queen Cage?

I have never had this when Introducing a New Queen.

Many thanks On any Thoughts
The Cells where charged - My gut feeling is to wait a little longer before taking Tab Off, plenty of activity near Queen cage, the Colony is Feisty to say the least!!!
Plenty of Stores & Brood so happy play a waiting game,
Will be checking again Tomorrow.. Long sleeve Shirt under the Suit for this Colony!!!
Success.... queens looking happy on frames, eggs everywhere and larva.
very please with outcome of the introductions....
couple of weeks and hopefully start to notice a real change in attitude on those hives.

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