Queen cell find

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House Bee
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Cornwall uk
Hive Type
Number of Hives

If I find about 10 q cells built at the bottom of a frame, is my only option to break 10 of them down and try artificial swarming the hive?

Cells built but not yet capped.

Can I try anything else like breaking all cells and hope for the best.

I assume if they are in the swarm mood, they are out of their.

Reassurance wanted!!

I have no idea where this idea comes from that "breaking down" cells will stop swarming.

It is rubbish.

However I have it on some authority that taking the afflicted colony for a long rough drive will do the trick.

Setting that aside.

You need to do an AS, ASAP. A reliable method. Leave one open cell though.

I dont understand why they have done this. It is a 5 frame nuc last May.

Plenty of room with 2 frames of foundation not yet drawn.

little buggers!

Seems they do not agree on "plenty of room" possibly you should have supered?

There was a super on for 2 weeks. I thought something was wrong when they didn't go up top. I tried spraying a one to one mix without success and my next step was to remove the queen excluder.

Todays inspection I found out why!


Interesting that they went to swarm mode so fast as your open cells say just a few days ago.

I wonder what sent them down that route? Esp with the super space above but was that on foundation too?

I sometimes wonder whether my apiary site is suitable. Its in farmers fields and the greater majority surrounding area is to grass / hay / maize fields.

May be they dont like the lack of nectar in the area?

Although other hives have collected a super so far and are working on a second super.

I didn't mention that 2 hives have done this. Both quite sudden.

Both hives were nucs last May. Two other hives (nucs in May) are working well.
Ah......... different story now.

A fair comparison. Other colonies are fairing well and this one has gone to swarm mode.

Me? I point a finger at the genes.

So do you think that he should requeen asap?