Putting super underneath?

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New Bee
Oct 3, 2015
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2 at the mo
Hi all I've been reading up quite a lot and have read about putting a super under brood box and removing queen excluder does this sound right? My two national broods are full to the brim so do I need to feed now or wait as there still very busy bringing in loads of pollen etc also I have apiguard to use is now a good time thanks in advance
Most important, treat now if you need to, you can put a super underneath, especially if the brood box is full of brood, but if it is full of food then you don't need the super. Next important thing, if you have more than one box on over winter then queen excluder must come off.
Thanks jenkinsbyrnmair I'll do it today
Thanks enrico so if just keeping brood box ie no super I can leave excluder on thanks for all the help to you all
Oh yeah doh lol
He maybe one of many who does not like me..:spy: , hope he is ok and healthy though..;)

Did you mention smokers?

Queen excluders should only be used for queen rearing and as far as I can see have very little use in hobby beekeeping.
No need for the things... and if not used can not be left on by mistake!


Yeghes da
Did you mention smokers?

Queen excluders should only be used for queen rearing and as far as I can see have very little use in hobby beekeeping.
No need for the things... and if not used can not be left on by mistake!


Yeghes da
For the record i have 5 and i do not use any of them apart from artificial swarm palava. .. ;)