Putting super back on

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John Hammond

New Bee
Nov 7, 2014
Reaction score
West sussex
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I want to put a super back on for the bees to clean after extraction but I managed to break a couple of frames/wax. Once it's been cleaned up for a few days can I replace the broken frames with new foundation and leave the good drawn frames in?
If so do I put foundation in the middle or outside?
Or is it safer to put all new foundation on let them work on that and keep the old good ones for spairs
You can put the foundation anywhere, though I would put individual frames between drawn ones and they will get drawn in the middle fastest. As for getting the bees to draw another box....if you have a flow on go for it but it will cost you honey. How about putting it back on and when it is time to put on another put your fresh super full of foundation between the brood box and the drawn one
Why this need to put a super back on just 'fro the bees to clean' if the need space, just put it back on for them to refill, if they don't need the space just seal it up and store 'wet'. if you need space and frames drawn just 'checkerboard' the frames, have every other frame foundation amongs the drawn ones.