Field Bee
If a supplier replaces a problem Q do you not have to send back the original to prove it wasn`t killed or do they take your word for it that it`s their fault ?
I bought a Buckfastleigh queen a month ago for a queenless hive.
I have been away for a month and did my inspection today hoping to see my nice new brood.
I didnt see the queen but the brood in the national hive was all drone brood.
Nicely laid 70% coverage on frames all capped.
There were some laying worker evidence in the corners of the brood chamber with 2 to 3 eggs in the cells.
How do I fix this to give the bees the best chance of surviving winter?
Advice greatly appreciated please.
In winter when bees are clustered, I hope to move all hives to new site
I would move your hives before the colonies form winter clusters, as the disturbance of moving them may disturb / disrupt the cluster such that they become chilled and the brood / colony dies out or is significantly weakened.
others may disagree, but i would move your hives sooner rather than later