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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Presently sat on the train to London going to a meeting listening to a bunch of (Ithink) eight year olds discussing their favourite TV programme. What do you think? britains got talent? I'm a celebrity? some American trash TV sitcom?


Dad's Army! :winner1st::hurray:

Just conformation as to how much of a timeless classic this is, and what a waste of licence payer's money most of the pap they churn out nowadays is! Waiting in anticipation now for the new series of 'still open all hours' Just hope they don't do snything daft now like re-make any of these series with new 'actors'
Looks like 8 year olds are smarter than we think........ That' s got me worried now!
To be honest there's not much I do watch on TV any more, well terrestrial TV anyway.
Our TV got dumped several years ago. Hassled by TV licence mob for ages, until they turned up one day. I was out and J told them to go and look for themselves as she was busy getting ready to go out. They didn't bother and we have not looked back. I occasionally watch a FI GP on I-player and that is about it, for me. Too much else to get on with and can do without all the propaganda, advertising, repeats, soaps and 'supposed' reality progs.

The year before we dumped the telly we had viewed about 4 hours of 'meaningful' programmes.
RAB....I never had you down as a F1 fan. My sister is an addict and tries to get to as many as she can.....she has lots of money.

We have husband's 9 year old grandson staying here for two weeks. He is rummaging around in our DVD collection at every shower (husband has insisted that daytime tele is only for emergency use when it's raining constantly). He mopes about and complains as he gets dragged outside all the time.....poor mite :)
Microwaves and tv's are both a blessing and a curse
That's my dilemma on a Sunday afternoon Beekeeping or F1, I have asked Berny Eclstone to move F1 to winter months but he told me the drivers don't like driving in the rain :hairpull:
Aha, so we have some F1 fans in here!!!

Whose your favourite driver then?
Respect for Alonso, he out drives that car every race, Perez always delivers when given the opportunity, And best old timer favourite has got to be Johnny Herbert the most unluckiest F1 driver. I'm not into drivers who spit dummies out.
My favourite drivers this year are Bottas for Williams, has done so much this year with the team, great to see they are on the up after a number of years in the doldrums, and Riccardo for Red bull, you got to love that smile he has so happy all the time, plus he keeps beating Vettel.
Respect for Alonso, he out drives that car every race, Perez always delivers when given the opportunity, And best old timer favourite has got to be Johnny Herbert the most unluckiest F1 driver. I'm not into drivers who spit dummies out.

Perez has speed, but sometimes forget he is in Formula 1, not in a dodgem car.

Best driver was Prost. Not mercurial, but I loved his precision, even if he was dull.
Respect for Alonso, he out drives that car every race, Perez always delivers when given the opportunity, And best old timer favourite has got to be Johnny Herbert the most unluckiest F1 driver. I'm not into drivers who spit dummies out.

Perez has speed, but sometimes forget he is in Formula 1, not in a dodgem car.

Best driver was Prost. Not mercurial, but I loved his precision, even if he was dull.

And before him, Lauda was my hero with my brother plumping for James Hunt. Still, it allowed my brother to be right once in his lifetime...

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