On the 28th May my hive swarmed, leaving plenty of QC's behind along with stores and brood.
A week later and all the CQ's are opened and empty. I did not spot the new queen, but I am not experienced in spotting an unmarked queen as yet.
On the weekend (approx 2 weeks after swarm) I inspected and found a well populated hive, lots of stores and active workers filling, but still no obvious Queen and no eggs. Apparently no brood left either as they all seem to have hatched.
Before I go ordering a Queen etc.... should I wait another week to 2 weeks for signs of eggs? From what I have read it can be 2-4 weeks for a queen to hatch, mate and start laying?
A week later and all the CQ's are opened and empty. I did not spot the new queen, but I am not experienced in spotting an unmarked queen as yet.
On the weekend (approx 2 weeks after swarm) I inspected and found a well populated hive, lots of stores and active workers filling, but still no obvious Queen and no eggs. Apparently no brood left either as they all seem to have hatched.
Before I go ordering a Queen etc.... should I wait another week to 2 weeks for signs of eggs? From what I have read it can be 2-4 weeks for a queen to hatch, mate and start laying?