Possible swarm on thier way?

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House Bee
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Pickering, North Yorkshire
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Ive had a nuc on my shed roof now for a couple of weeks hoping to catch a passing swarm :)

anyway came home from work this afternoon and there seems to be some activity around it....maybe 2 dozen bees in and out but always staying in the area and not flying off!

i presume they are scouts,but who knows,activity is still the same as before now and we are at least 3 hrs later,in the nuc is a frame of old comb and a frame of foundation

how will i know if the swarm has moved in? i presume lots of bees coming and going or even the nuc covered in bees?

hopefully a photo is attached!
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If they are there after dark then they are in!!!! Tap the hive when its dusk and if it buz's you have bees
Said this before (about a week ago). A nuc is too small for a decent swarm. likely you will lose out to another alternative site unless it is a really small prime or only a decent cast. Also the nbeekeeper may A/S his colony and prevent issue of you possible swarm.

Wish you luck. If you get it you will be lucky.

Caught a swarm today and it went into nuc box with 5 drawn frames and 1 of honey. But I did leave the roof off to allow that lovely arroma of honey in the heat to be even stronger. They poured in through the feed hole in the crown board.
Did you use drawn frames rather than foundation deliberately? Swarms are great for drawing out foundation. Cast caught Friday drawn out 5 frames foundation and full of nectar.....
A quick gloat here....left out two bait hives yesterday afternoon (one a tatty old box, the other a 14x12 nuc full of drawn comb)...came back home this evening to find a nice new swarm in each.
Well just took a look at nuc on the shed it looks like they have all buggered off! Just my luck really!! Thanks for your replies :)

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