New Bee
Hi all I've been a member on here a while but this is my first post, I've got two 14 x12 hive, this will be my first full year beekeeping started late last year with one hive that supersed then went queenless so not a great start, so requeened and over wintered, my possible big mistake is it was doing an inspection yesterday open up first hive and found 3 supersedure cell panicked and cut them all off, they all had larvae in them also there was a few small acorn cups nothing in them, there are lots of eggs and larvae at different stages, but couldn't find the queen, have I done the wrong thing cutting the cells out, I'm waiting for a delivery of brood frames so have got a full size hive to put a swarm in if they do, could I do artificial swarm with a nuc box if it came to that. Any advice would be a great help thanks.