Poor weather ...when to inspect??

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Nick Lang

House Bee
Oct 30, 2020
Reaction score
Pontypool, South Wales
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Only one
Hey hey.....so my first hive has come through the winter and they seem to be going great guns coming and going....loaded with pollen...which is good 😎
..but the weather here in Wales is a bit rubbish at the moment.....and the forecast for the next ten days is more mixed weather with low temps....I haven't done an inspection yet this year.....I did have to add some fondant last week as they were feeling a bit light.....I guess I should leave any inspection till the weather picks up right???...should I be worried about getting in to check them???....this is the start of their second year......I really want to get a second hive going from this one if possible....I am worried about reaching the end of this year with only one hive ... is the best way to wait till they want to swarm naturally??
Ta 😁
Be patient..... You will do mor harm than good. They will not be anywhere near strong enough for a split for a couple of months. Why do you want to inspect? If there is no good reason than don't do it......please please be patient
It's fine and dry down here on the South coast but night time temps drop dramatically ... not going in to mine for a while yet ... no need - I can see from the activity that they are all healthy, hefitng heavy so plenty of stores. I don't need to know anything else yet ... Early April swarms are rare and my bees tend to start swarm preps in May if the weather is right so ... plenty of time to panic later on. ...
Hey hey.....so my first hive has come through the winter and they seem to be going great guns coming and going....loaded with pollen...which is good 😎
..but the weather here in Wales is a bit rubbish at the moment.....and the forecast for the next ten days is more mixed weather with low temps....I haven't done an inspection yet this year.....I did have to add some fondant last week as they were feeling a bit light.....I guess I should leave any inspection till the weather picks up right???...should I be worried about getting in to check them???....this is the start of their second year......I really want to get a second hive going from this one if possible....I am worried about reaching the end of this year with only one hive ... is the best way to wait till they want to swarm naturally??
Ta 😁

Looking at the BBC for your area, temperature wise, your inspection season starts on Monday 11th, but with the poor rain forecast for next week, realistically, you probably want to plan a first inspection for Saturday 16th onwards
Thanks guys...... that's been pretty much my feeling.....I haven't even had the crown board off.....just lifted the roof and placed more fondant in there.
I'll leave it till the weather improves...cos it is rubbish here at the moment!!!
Going round all my min nucs today -warmer,drier,little wind - checking fondant or hefting.Will add as required. No frames moved at all. ANd the fewer bees seen the better!

We look we are going to have at least three weeks of poor weather. So far flying days have been few in last week. Yesterday the only bees outside were dead bees.
PS all completed. All have enough stores at present .Hefted main hives: one very large on 8 frames bees. Will need supering immediately before any good weather,
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Looks like the sun may be shining on the weekend if you've not looked under the crown board. If they are in a sheltered spot and you want some idea of their size and available space. All I've done so far and that was before this recent cold spell and I'm twitching on a couple who were stuffed back then. Weather doesn't look too clever for the foreseeable but I've also had bees swarm before the end of April.
Fun isn't it? ;)
......I really want to get a second hive going from this one if possible....I am worried about reaching the end of this year with only one hive ... is the best way to wait till they want to swarm naturally??
Ta 😁

They may not swarm and if they do it will weaken the colony by losing half the bees so you may lose your honey crop..
If your colony is strong, why not try a Demaree to hopefully raise a queen cell in the top box which then can be split off? Too early to do it yet.

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