M.... b..k...ing.co.uk
You could ask Rooftops - he runs the outfit if it is what I think it is!!
I had a couple of his nucs - they are colonised and seem to be doing very well.
Since then, I have amassed another seven. All will be modified to take National frames. There is little cost to this, once the machining is set up.
The first two were symmetrical, but with just one entrance. Some of the rest may be modded non-symmetrical (to allow easier winter feeding) and some may be made so they can be used as double 3-framers (they are all Jumbos, so each side would still have a similar frame area to a deep National 5-frame nuc).
I will be trying a jumbo National poly when they are available. They will be no different from the rest of my kit, wrt bee space, so should be full compatibility for me.
As it says somewhere on the site, a National sized hive for the price of a nuc! Will be even better if splitting them into two 3-framers is satisfactory (don't see any reason why not, at this present time), that will be two nucs for the price of one! Good value for money either way, I reckon.
Regards, RAB