Polystyrene hives and mouse guards

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Can I ask a quick question about painting?

I have loads of leftover 1/2 tins of paint which are in rather nice colours which I would like to use on my new poly hives.

I know the recommended paint is exterior masonry paint, but can you also use

- kitchen and bathroom paint (which is designed for high vapour/moisture areas)

- ordinary emulsion

Also, having now assembled my hives, there is no top ventilation of any sort, the only ventilation is via OMF - is this a problem with moisture laden warm air rising & having nowhere to vent to in a poly hive?

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread glennin!
Yes your paint is fine and no there is no issue I have ever met with damp.

The main problem at the moment is that Nationals are not currently available due to no one in the UK having the courage to purchase a min order from Swienty.

Not true PH - and I told you so elsewhere. Here is my reply to your comments on the 'plolystyrene Hives' thread just two days ago:

You are very correct with your wording however you must be aware that P*radise Farm are introducing poly Nationals in the very near future (see their newsletter?).

Meanwhile to 'double' your awareness here is another 'link' to a National supplier in poly.


This will need some mods to convert to a URL - the www. needs adding and the dots changing to dots.

The down side here might be the outside dimensions, which are certainly not to the Bristish Standard specifications. Can't have perfection in all departments, always compromise, compromise, but I suspect (and intend to try one) the ten-frame MB format is likely a good match to a wooden National.


I must say you do seem to have a 'blinkered' approach to anything other than Sweinty.

Sweinty may be good but they are not the only producer of good hives - and obviously are unable to market them successfully in the UK. So roll on M*dern Beekeeping, who will fill that gap with a competive hive, I am sure. I can wait, for one.

Regards, RAB

(e before i to keep a modicum of fairness)

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