Beebe said:
Polystyrene is 98% air....just like this thread.
Fact check: Wrong wrt beehives - as usual.
Poster makes claims without checking (or being capable of checking?) before posting rubbish.
Some people need to realise that plastics are here and not going away. The waste in the oceans is down to humans, not particularly plastics. We have known about clothing fibres being a problem. We know plastic bags are a problem. We know the plastic cotton buds were polluting. We know that EPS, used in many ways finishes up in the oceans.
EPS is recyclable - but how much do we actually recycle? Not a lot. Humans waste materials because they are cheap - throw-away - but beehives are not in that category.
Some are like vegans, who seem to make a lot of noise compared to their numbers, and try to tar everyone, who disagrees with them, with the same brush.
While I agree that plastics usage should be reduced, beehives are really down near the bottom of the list. This will be of little importance if we continue to burn fossil fuels. Using them for limited production of recyclable plastics is, IMO, a small factor re pollution. It is the irresponsible use of plastics which which need to be got under control.
Proper polyhives have around 90% air in them, btw. 98% is an exaggeration wrt beehives. Just another piece of rubbish information banded around, by the unknowing, to be gobbled up by other un-knowing beekeepers (and others) because they ‘read it somewhere, so it must be true’. There are a lot of dimwits out there.
Do remember that, by definition, half the population are below average