Most of beeks of course think that I have made my patty recipe complex for fun.
But to throw 5 or 10 different stuffs into mixture, it makes no diffence in whole process, what feeding with patty needs. But it is sure that "keep it simple", that does not work at all.
First reason is that bees need various food, and not simple. Larvae cannot grow with simple food.
Like you put soya flour ouside and and you see 10 bees picking it.
there are 4 main difficulty in patty feeding:
1. The patty fullfills complex nutrition needs of bees
2. Patty is tasty and bees eate it as much as possible
3. Patty stays soft. Bees cannot bite hard food with their jaws
4. Most beekeepers do not understand what means "nutrition", "aminoacid" or "build up of colony". Build up means at least 2 months process to grow number of workers to productive level.
It is not so that one day I saw bees in crocus or I gove a piece of miracle into the hive.
100% of beeks believe that sugar feeding helps in spring build up but it is not so.
Very few think that protein feeding is a key factor in feeding. But it is so.
Of course, nature takes care of build up as it has taken millions of years since Ice Ace.
But don't believe that continuos fondant feediing is some kind of skill.