How have you got on with these?
given the size of that swarm (grapefruit sized? - enough to FILL a mini-nuc) - why did you use two brood boxes to start? the poor buggers have been held back somewhat by the amount of space.
If it were me i'd've put them in the one box, fed and then added the second (or transferred to proper nuc) once they'd got going and drawn the frames they had.
ok - you had your reasons but in a ideal world weekly inspections would have allowed regular assessment of progress and it would have been noted that the colony had stalled and didn't need extra space yet.
.presumably the swarm was a cast and the poor virgin didn't get mated properly due to the poor weather in june
my suggestion of national nuc was for once they'd got going properly NOT initially - the polish nuc was an ideal nursery for this cast (DOI: i have a couple of the nucs after seeing your original posting - yet to try them but thing they are fine for this sort of situation.