Pagden AS

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New Bee
Apr 22, 2016
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Inspected my second colony on Tuesday and found queen charged and capped queen cells. Did the pagden AS ( moved BB to one side and destroyed all but one uncapped QC- then put my queen on a frame of capped brood , one full frame of stores and fresh frames of foundation on the original site )
Problem is that my first colony was split over two hives a fortnight ago and earlier this week I collected a swarm ( they seem happy in their new home - a cobbled together hive made out of supers and spare bits ) and the only equipment that I had left to put my queen in was a polynuc)

I thought that I was getting a new hive today but that did not happen .

My question is : the books all tell me that the queen should be on a frame of brood on the original site BUT WITH THE ORIGINAL SUPERS ON TOP. . I could not do this as I only had a nuc - so I put the supers on top of the other half of the colony . When I get a hive ( Monday fingers crossed ) how can I move the supers to the original site ? Is it vital that I move them now at all ?

Thanks in anticipation
My question is : the books all tell me that the queen should be on a frame of brood on the original site BUT WITH THE ORIGINAL SUPERS ON TOP. . I could not do this as I only had a nuc - so I put the supers on top of the other half of the colony . When I get a hive ( Monday fingers crossed ) how can I move the supers to the original site ? Is it vital that I move them now at all ?

Don't panic!
Nothing is set in stone.
What I would do when your new hive arrives on Monday is:
1. Move the poly nuc to one side and put in its place the new brood box on its floor
2. Go through the poly nuc and move all frames and the queen into the new brood box. Check the frame with brood for any QC's and if found remove them.
3. Add extra frames of foundation to fill the brood box.
4. Place queen excluder on top and move those supers across and finish off with crown board and roof.
Don't panic!
Nothing is set in stone.
What I would do when your new hive arrives on Monday is:
1. Move the poly nuc to one side and put in its place the new brood box on its floor
2. Go through the poly nuc and move all frames and the queen into the new brood box. Check the frame with brood for any QC's and if found remove them.
3. Add extra frames of foundation to fill the brood box.
4. Place queen excluder on top and move those supers across and finish off with crown board and roof.
Thank you for the speedy reply . That is very reassuring .
What about the bees in the supers ? They will have been separated Fron their mum since Thursday . Won't they fight at all ?
Thank you for the speedy reply . That is very reassuring .
What about the bees in the supers ? They will have been separated Fron their mum since Thursday . Won't they fight at all ?

No they won't fight. They will still recognise the original queen and colony. Some with orientate back to the new site but that's not a problem.
Thank you once again .

Also this afternoon the swarm I collected swarmed . It was a fabulous and awe inspiring sight . They have settled high up in a tree close to open field .

Is it usual that they stay a few days - what could I have done to keep them in my hive ( apart from - have a hive ?
Thank you once again .

Also this afternoon the swarm I collected swarmed . It was a fabulous and awe inspiring sight . They have settled high up in a tree close to open field .

Is it usual that they stay a few days - what could I have done to keep them in my hive ( apart from - have a hive ?

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