Over wintering an apedia

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Sep 7, 2015
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East Yorkshire
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I have an apedia with a mated & laying queen. Thinking of experimenting of insulating it well, adding feed as needed and seeing if it will over winter. Bit of an experiment! Has anyone tried this?
Yes: do it regularly. Lessons from bitter experience.
1. Protect from wing/rain etc with insulated roof and side covers.
2. Double box gives lot more success than one. Not enough bees with one in cold weather.
3. Feed fondant above top bars under a clear polythene flexible sheet as a CB Fondant wrapped in clingfilm to prevent drying out: thin layer Replace when used every 2-3 weeks. YOU MUST check regularly.
4. Disturb as little as possible only on calm warm sunny days. NOT on cold windy or wet days.#
5.Side feeder U/S in cold weather - bees will not enter it.
6. Vulnerable to wasps now..Precautions needed.
# sometimes unavoidable in January/February when risk of starvation is highest.

Preparation is all: you must have fondant ready to put on BEFORE you open up to minimise time hive is open. No fiddling about with inspections.. moving comb or anything like that.

Easier with calm bees.