Orientation flights??

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Jun 8, 2010
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Dartmoor edge, uk
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5...2 wooden National, 2 poly Nat & 1 poly nuc...bursting at the seams
:eek: Just been out in the garden and I have little bees doing orientation flights...and I don't mean one or two but 100-200...surely this is too early? We have had temps of 7-11 deg. lately...but I wasn't expecting brood in this amount yet???
You are down there and sno now! (well only a dusting?). Mild temps and anything goes.

Might be that they haven't been out for a fortnight (or less) and are re-orientating?

Remember, you need to count back some time if they are new bees. A month at least.

Blimey, might be swarming in March unless the weather cools!

Do watch their stores if they are brooding. Larvae need lots of grub and a lot of water.

Regards, RAB
Me too. Not quite 100 - 200 but quite a few.

It's gotta be a good thing: the older bees will be dying off in numbers soon and the new workers will need to be taking over foraging duties as soon good sources appear.

I guess they can always go back into cluster if the weather turns cold again?

What do you mean 'little bees'? Like, dwarf bees?

I think your bees are just emptying their bowels.
More likely they have forgotten where they live after being inside for a few weeks...
If theres any bees from my observation hive that havent ventured out before, then they have been waiting there since end of October...
I too was very surprised to see quite a number (nowhere near 100, but probably 20ish) flying in and out today - didn't seem to be carrying anything, so I assume just out "doin' a poop"...

I went back inside, and temp from the mighty weather station next to the bees was reading 9.9 degrees celcius. It wasn't due to the temp I was so surprised - more the wind - it was tremendously windy out there today!

I was watching the poor little girls returning, and heading dead on course, only for a gust of wind to launch them halfway down the garden again!

My poor girls! bee-smillie
Had temps around 12 degree recently and they were flying like it was mid-summer.
Warm enough here in the Tamar valley for the Daffs to start flowering and the strawberries to start budding up!
My Bees out like Queens... except mine are Kings!
My bees out in force this weekend to and cant help thinking that this mild weather at this time of year may be not as good a thing as we think perhaps it would be better if the bees are less active.
All 2nd year beekeepers keep an eye on the stores and if the mild weather continues be prepared for early swarming.
*Don't think they were doing what they needed to do as they have been flying daily for weeks.
*Not robbing - they seemed in a good mood, if you know what I mean. *Clouds coming out, swaying side to side outside the hive and gradually moving further in large circles- just like orientation flights last year...

and they are small 'cos my bees are quite small...:eek:
Could it be robbing? Bees hanging around the entrance looking for a way in may not be up to any good. Check for any new dead on the floor.

I've had the same thing, Rooftops, with lots of what looked Like orientation flights on Friday.

It doesn't look like robbing, some are coming in with small amounts of pollen, though there are plenty of dead. Some pushed out by undertakers, the others dying under the hive.
What 's the earliest you've seen, Tom?
A couple of years ago Floyed my bees swarmed on the 13 April

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