these apocryphal tales of 'people hearing' of game being dumped or shoots being unable to give them away get spread around every year with little truth, there was a 'true incident' of game being flytipped on the side of the road a few years ago, it transpired it was all a set up by the usual suspects - who had stolen a game wagon and then dumped the birds, informed the press then pointed the finger at a local shoot getting rid of unwanted birds.
Game dealers will snap all shot game up (OK, their prices may not always be that good) especially since they changed the regulations on selling game, previously it was illegal to sell game two weeks after close season, now it is legal to sell frozen game all year round.
even better, sat in a hedge at dusk watching them rode and mill around when the get up from their daytime hiding spots to go foraging.
some time ago I was out lamping for a problem fox not that far from where 'King' Carlo's (probably his brat's now) farm is in Myddfai, a bit like now, there had been a cold snap for a few weeks and now was mild, we were near a block of forestry (great daytime haunt for 'cock) and when we swept the red lamp over the fields there were tens and tens of woodcock our probing the fileds for worms, you could actually walk amongst them without disturbing them if you trod carefully.
Not long ago I was waiting as back stop in daytime at a favoured crossing spot for foxes trying to sneak away from the hounds, gun in hand, there were quite a few woodcock in that area, one was flushed by the guns further down, flew towardss me (but hadn't seen me) then just flopped down on top of the brambles a few feet in front of me (Being December, they had very few leaves) and just sunk through the brambles and sat on the bed of leaves, stock still waiting for the 'trouble' to pass (if I han't seen it arrive I doubt I would have spotted it unless I stepped on it) I just stood there for ten minutes until my radio sqwawked to say they were moving on and off it went again.