off topic but can anyone help ?

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House Bee
Jun 28, 2011
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North West
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Well I'm trying to get this out on as many places as I can, I hope its ok to post it here in off topic chat.

I'm trying to raise some funds for a local charity here in Cumbria that is having a push to stop child povety in Cumbria.

To do this I'm going to attempt to run the hardest marathon in the uk in September this year, in Langdale Cumbria.

I've set up a online donation system and trying to get as many people as possible to donate just £1.00 and then post the link to as many people as they know to get the total up.

If you fancy a look then the page is
I'll give you something towards your fund. My husband used to run this quite regularly till older age and injury caught up with him so he now runs the half.
I always thought it was a bit mean on the runners as its the half course run twice for the full marathon so if you're knackered you know you have to do it all again. Stunning scenery,24th September this year.
Me, I'll do the 10K Langdale Christmas Pudding in December....have run in the snow :rolleyes: great fun.
Thanks for that, I've never run the christmas pudding race but always fancied it , mybe this year if the marathon doesnt finish me off
I am assuming you are from Cumbria gingerbees and if so and providing you change your location to Cumbria I will donate to your cause.

I will probably do it anyway.
Yes I'm up for it, Gingerbees - good luck! not worthy
thought it was set as CUmbria already ? will check though :) and yes we are in Wasdale area
OK assuming our girls every actualy make some honey and that they survive the Winter I here by pledge to give our first ever jar of honey to a member from this forum who helps this cause :)
As promised and noted the changed location I have made my donation.

Good look
Can access the website today - good luck, Gingerbees :)

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