Odd Beehaviour

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House Bee
Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
North Dorset
Hive Type
Number of Hives
I've been working outside most of the day. I have an old white melamine fold-up picnic table I use for odds and ends (somewhere to put tools etc). The honey bees have been all over it like a rash. Couldn't work out why. I did spill some coffee on it last week (instant, no milk or sugar). I cleaned it up but I guess it might have been that.

I was working with some new(ish) freshly cut decking. They were all over that too. I guess they were after resin for propolis.

They also seemed keen to keep an eye on me. Hovering around, checking me out. No nests in the area (that I'm aware of). Certainly no hives.

Any ideas?
When forage is short bees will inspect any patch of colour that could be food: we have them investigating the kayaks out for washing, even orange gardening gloves etc.

Putting together brood boxes from fresh cedar is also bound to gain visitors - similar to the decking I expect.
Bees will not be wasting their energy making propolis at this time of the season. I can only think they were after the droplets of moisture.
New cut wood and bees seem to go together, they love chain saw shavings!

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