Wardy I would only say that, wherever you get your bees from, try to ensure that you meet beekeeping friends/cronies from closer than 20 miles away. Ideally both experienced folk and fellow beginners. The moral and practical support & sharing I had from beekeepers close by made a huge difference, and continues to do so.
(The first/only nuc I bought wasn't a good start at all, in the sense that the queen never laid an egg in the hive here. She was either DOA or not in the nuc, or died during transfer. I don't know. The vendor, who helped put them in, said he couldn't find her but was sure she was in the hive as the bees were quiet. Well I knew nothing of course. When I first opened them up for a proper look after a spell to let them settle, nothing looked right, there were queen cells and I heard piping! I was horrified. Even so, the bees sorted themselves out, their new queen mated, and I was away.)