nuc apilife var and mite 'board' Q

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Aug 8, 2009
Reaction score
South Yorkshire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
1 Nat & 1 WBC
Dear All

I have done a quick search and find part answers for my question/s but can you help with the rest...

I have two nucs

nuc 1. in normal size BB
nuc 2. in 14x12 BB

Neither has a floorboard at the bottom for a varroa count (is this because nucs aren't treated? I wonder!). Anyhow, here are the questions I am struggling with;

Question 1:
The hives that these bees have come from will need treating, and I intend to do so, starting in the net couple of days. I am assuming that these nucs will also need treating. Is this a fair assumption?

Question 2:
However, as I have no floor board, I though about resting the nucs on spare boards I have for my spare hives (securing them so nuc cannot fall off / move etc.). Does this seem like a good idea? Thought also about wrapping in tin foil...god alone knows why, but seemed like a good idea when I had it. Is it? (A good idea, that is.)

Question 3:
Assuming it is a good idea, what % of the apilife var should I give them? I was going to go do a rough calculation of how much brood & bees (approx) in main hive, and then work out % in nuc and give equivalent. Is this logical?

Question 4:
Nucs are both poly...think I read somewhere here that apilife var is not good when directly in contact with the poly, and think I read that it was a good idea to make a tin foil container to keep it away from the poly material. Is this right?

Thank you
