Not to late ????

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House Bee
Dec 30, 2009
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3 14x12
I have not taken supers off yet, going to do this week first time with H Balsam keeping bees so all new to me with late flows plus I was away this weekend which probably would of been ideal.
Will have to work out for next year with keeping Varroa at bay, tested past 4days only 3 mites found
Hopfully I am just worrying

Grub bee-smillie
I have not taken supers off yet, going to do this week first time with H Balsam keeping bees so all new to me with late flows plus I was away this weekend which probably would of been ideal.
Will have to work out for next year with keeping Varroa at bay, tested past 4days only 3 mites found
Hopfully I am just worrying

Grub bee-smillie

Hi, Might be a bit late if the bees were on oil seed rape as it can granulate in the comb.

Him Balsam is a temtation because it is a nice honey (IMO) but how do you reconcile a late harvest with cooling september temperatures when you have a months worth of varroa treament to followt, then feeding to mid november? under variable conditions. For me an end of May early crop a mid august summer crop, varroa treatment starting Aug bank hol with Him balsam helping their nutrition along the way and mid sept start the winter feed up is a good cycle. I think playing the long game is the way to go.
Probably a little late , but its live and learn plus the H Balsam floweres here until first frost plus side I am close to the coast so normaly stays warm longer, its a nucleous from early May so no OSR this year but will be next still lots of drones around as well ?
I will get cracking this week , but they live at the bottom of the garden so close enough to keep my eye on them.

Ah, my apologies! Your argument is sound, your weather is supportive, you live on the coast. I on the other hand live in North Yorkshire! Carved out by glaciers and constantly on the brink of the bleedin things returning! Good luck with it :D
We still haven't started treatment on ours yet, our mentor intends to start next Thursday. That would mean we finish towards the end of October. Is this considered late? They have a packed hive full of stores, and are still laying drone brood, but only a little - in total I saw about 10 -15 if my memory serves. I've not seen them kicking any out yet either, but haven't been down as much I must admit.
Update if any one interested

Supers off 30lb not bad !! Nuc late May, well I am happy .
Varroa treatment started
Bees still collecting HB from dawn till dusk.
We started treatment on Thursday. Our mentor said it as late as we could leave it, although there is another colony on the allotments, and their owner intends to leave treating for another week or two to collect honey from one of the two supers they have on. I have noticed a dip in temperature this past week, and I put the heating on for the first time two days ago so I hope it is warm enough for the treatment to work. Saying that, they are housing in plywood and are a big colony ( I am told ), plus the weather is supposed to warm up from the start of next week so fingers crossed. I'm sure our mentor knows what he's doing :)

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